• Advanced computational fluid dynamics modelling
• Multiphysics: Wave-structure-seabed interaction
• Coastal and offshore hydrodynamics
• Sediment transport and beach erosion
• Soil liquefaction
• Turbulence modelling for coastal engineering problems
• Coastal protection and climate change adaptation
Yang, L. J., Qi, W. G., Li, Y., & Gao, F. P. (2022). Wave‐current Coupling Effects on the Variation Modes of Pore Pressure Response in a Sandy Seabed: Physical Modeling and Explicit Approximations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, e2022JC019158.
The experiments for the first time discovered three distinct modes of pore pressure changing under superimposed current on waves. The study is collaborated with Chinese Academy of Science.
Li, Y., & Fuhrman, D. R. (2022). On the turbulence modelling of waves breaking on a vertical pile. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 953, A3.
This work for the first time demonstrated the proper turbulence modelling of incipient wave breaking on a monopile, with an in-depth look at the 3D flow field, shedding new light on the physics of the secondary load cycle on offshore structures.
Li, Y, Larsen, B. E., & Fuhrman, D. R. (2022). Reynolds stress turbulence modelling of surf zone breaking waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 937, A7.
The paper performed the novel analysis of the advanced Reynolds stress turbulence models (RSMs) and the first proper application of RSMs to simulate surf zone breaking waves, with unprecedented accuracy from pre-breaking all the way to the inner surf zone.
Hu, Z., Huang, L., & Li Y. (2023). Fully-coupled hydroelastic modelling of a deformable wall in waves. Coastal Engineering, 104245.
This paper implemented a fully-coupled wave-structure interaction model and applied the model for studying the elastic wall in waves. The model is open sourced.
Huang, L., & Li, Y. (2022). Design of the submerged horizontal plate breakwater using a fully coupled hydroelastic approach. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2022.
The paper is published in the journal CACAIE with an impact factor 10.066. Assist. Prof. Li co-authored with Dr Luofeng Huang at University College London.
The aim of the project is to identify the hydrodynamic behaviour of MPs in tropical coastal regions with addressing the following research questions: (1) What are the effects of biofouling and aggregation on the benthic distribution of MPs by changing their settling velocities through size, shape and density? (2) What are the fundamental thresholds for remobilization for non-buoyant MPs mixed with bottom sediments? The project received funding from Ministry of Education and is currently hiring a PhD and a Postdoc.
This research project focuses on developing the multiphysics numerical model of wave-structure-seabed interaction for the stability assessment of marine structures and coastal protection. The project received funding from Ministry of Education, Singapore.
The project is to improve the turbulence models with machine learning for predicting the coastal and ocean engineering problems involving turbulence such as breaking waves, sediment transport. Large-scale experiments will also be performed. The project received funding from Ministry of Education and is currently hiring a PhD and a Postdoc.
This project is to develope a national model for Coastal-Inland flood. Prof. Li Yuzhu Pearl is in charge of the task of Sediment transport prediction work package.
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